«AS6723» specializes in providing Internet access to business corporate users . Due to an extensive own fiber optic network, we are able to provide services in Kyiv and some areas in Kyiv region.
Now the length of our core network is more than 500 km , that’s why we are able to provide broadband premium Internet access almost everywhere in the Kiev and region. The company " AS6723" has more than 1,000 points of presence in Kiev , including more than 100 business centers.
Two independent speed channels in Europe and Russia linking network of the company with the largest traffic exchange points, which allows you to get in touch with the world’s leading IP- operators and providers.
The company «AS6723» is a member of the main points of traffic exchange of Ukraine (UA-IX, Dtel, GigaNet) total capacity of 30 Gbit and has parity channels with leading national operators and providers.
Internet connection is based on modern technology and equipment from manufacturers whose quality has been confirmed as a result of examinations and tests in our network. Years of experience in providing telecommunications services, excellent organization of work, defined corporate standards and client-oriented approach allows us perform quickly and efficiently work on connection, provide the best quality, solve problems fast and maintain excellent service.
Internet access services are provided primarily by Ethernet technology with the installation of optical cable in each building. The basis for efficient, reliable and rapid access services to Internet contention are:
- High-speed optical transmission and distribution network ( using the principle of " fiber to every house ").
- Wide external channels of access to the Internet that expand promptly according to the users increase. Average overload of external communication channels does not rise over 50 %.
- Webcast of Ukrainian network sharing of Internet traffic UA-IX, that provides maximum integration of Ukrainian network providers and the organization of effective traffic exchange on the shortest routes, without going through foreign networks.
- All network and customer service system is specialized to provide service for business customers.
- Backup of external communication channels is provided, allowing not interrupt the provision of services in the case of emergencies.
- Our company continues to build its own optical network every month we commit miles of networks, allowing new customer to connect in the shortest possible time.